- Category: Latest News | Tags: European institutions
- 2016-02-16
- Brussels, Belgium
On 27 October 2015, the European Commission adopted its 2016 Work Programme, which includes the release of “A Space Strategy for Europe”. This strategy is described as follows:
“The Strategy will coordinate the different strands of EU space activities, including a roadmap for concrete actions enabling targeted sectorial applications and further developing the EU space programmes to benefit the economy, public authorities and society as a whole”.
This important achievement has been strongly supported by a Galileo Services communications campaign linked to the publication of the position paper Europe Must Succeed in the Global Navigation Race.
The European Commission has launched a wide consultation process to prepare this strategy. Galileo Services – as the representative of European GNSS downstream industry – and its Members have been identified by the European Commission as key partners in this consultation process.
In this context, Galileo Services met key representatives from the Directorate J “EU Satellite Navigation Programmes” (EC DG-GROW) on February 16, 2016 to discuss specific actions that must be contemplated in the Space Strategy – the objective being to maximise the benefits of the European GNSS programmes for the European economy and citizens.